Wednesday, January 02, 2008


It's me again. Can't resist airing my thoughts once again. This time, its about politics. Not that many would be interested though. :P

Having been reading the news for some time, I have lost faith in malaysian leaders. There seems to be no end to corruption and leaders whom only have their own interests in mind.

The New Year starts with news of an adultery of our very own minister of health. What I admired though was unlike the others who would denies it again and again, he confesses to it only 2 days after the news is out. That, I believe took courage. It shows someone willing to take responsibility to own up to his actions.

Yet, as admirable as it is, one cannot run away from consequences. At 60, the height of his career and more to come, he has to give up all he has worked for and relinquish all his posts. Not only that, the entire family would suffer a time of shame and distrust.

Which brings me to my exact thought. Consequences. Everything we do has its consequences. Everything we build could be destroyed in a single instant by sin.

I have read articles from non-believers describing being judged and hammered into the Christian concept by believers yet to be found out later of practicing hypocrisy. I could only imagine what damage this would do to the Christian faith when a leader of whom you hold in position of integrity failed to uphold that trust.

Nevertheless, all of us have fallen short in one way or another. As much as it calls for consequences, it is also not up to me to judge. Let's just pray and uphold our church leaders in prayer that SIB would continue to have leaders of integrity and able to stand up under temptations!


Boo said...
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Boo said...

Thanks Hui Yi for sharing.

Le Lean and myself is reading Purpose Driven Life recently. In one of the chapter, Rick Warren said that "every temptation is an opportunity to glorify God".

It is worth given a deeper thought and it's interesting to hold your conscious clear and suspend the situation when you are tempted; to decide - will I want to be rebellious or it's time to be obedient?

I'll share some of my recent experience in cell when we meet then.

Continue to overcome evil with good.